Elektro Umbau Kits

Entwurf und Entwicklung von Elektroauto Umbaukits für die „plug and play“ Umrüstung von Fahrzeugen auf einen vollelektrischen Antrieb. Das hat sich ESDI EV zum Ziel gesetzt. Spezialisiert sind wir dabei auf die Belieferung im Business to Business Bereich. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Unterstützung und Beratung für unsere elektrischen Partner und solche die es werden wollen, an.

Als Partner von ESDI EV Technologies ist es unseren Kunden möglich ihre Umbauprojekte mit höchsten OEM-Qualitätsstandards auszurüsten. 

High performance components

By using mass-produced components, each of our electric car conversions corresponds to the latest state of the art. The components are optimized by the car manufacturers especially with regard to power and energy density as well as efficiency thus have significantly better technical properties than the universal components currently used, e.g. from industrial trucks or third-party suppliers.

Extremely resource friendly

Due to the reuse of components from used vehicles, the CO2 emissions of our products can be reduced to a minimum, since hardly any additional energy or raw materials are used in our manufacturing process.

All components are of course tested, maintained and wear parts replaced by us.

Flexible electric car conversion

In principle, we can combine our drives in any vehicle with a wide range of battery modules. Thus, there are many possibilities to optimally implement your electric conversion project and thus start into the future.

High reliability

Another advantage is that the components we use have been specially developed and extensively tested for automotive applications. This also applies to safety-relevant software. As a result, these powertrains are optimized in terms of service life and especially in terms of reliability.


Global availability

The components used come from vehicles that are built and sold worldwide in large numbers. This means that spare and repair parts are also available worldwide.

Secured supply

Due to the high quantities of components we use from mass-produced vehicles, a sufficient supply of spare parts for your electric car conversion is also guaranteed in the future.

You want to start into the future now, or you still have questions?