Electric Conversion
ESDI EV Technologies!
You want to convert your car to electric?
Our proprietary connectivity technology makes it possible to equip every vehicle with the latest drive technology and thus make it fit for the future. Because your future starts now!
In our electric conversion projects, we exclusively use modern drives from mass-produced vehicles. Thus, we not only bring the latest high-voltage technology into classic cars, but also their advantages for an electric car conversion in small series.
ESDI EV Technologies focuses on the supply and development of EV parts and the production of complete installation kits. Therefore, we currently offer one-off vehicle conversions only with a long waiting period (approx. 1-2 years).
We supply a wide range of parts and kits for EV conversions to businesses and restoration companies. These kits include, but are not limited to, the following parts: Electric motors, batteries and related attachments.
Die Preise für Bausätze beginnen bei ca. 45.000€.
If you have a customer enquiry or are looking for more information about a service or product we offer, contact us!
The advantages of an electrical conversion with
OEM technology
High performance components
Our high-voltage technology gives your electrical conversion a clear advantage in terms of performance. By using proven high-volume components, power and energy densities of modern electric vehicles can be achieved.
By reusing tested components, hardly any new resources need to be expended and additional CO2 emissions are reduced to a minimum.
High reliability
All components come from the automotive sector and have been designed and tested for this area of application. And thanks to our connection technology, the conversion still drives like the electric car when it is delivered.
Global availability
The components and spare parts of mass-produced vehicles are available worldwide and in large quantities. Accordingly, the follow-up costs of their conversion to electric drive (for maintenance, etc.) are kept within reasonable limits.
Excellent price-performance ratio
The components and spare parts of mass-produced vehicles are available worldwide and in large quantities. Accordingly, the follow-up costs of their conversion to electric drive (for maintenance, etc.) are kept within reasonable limits.
Spare part supply
The components and spare parts of mass-produced vehicles are available worldwide and in large quantities. Accordingly, the follow-up costs of their conversion to electric drive (for maintenance, etc.) are kept within reasonable limits.